Monday, 12 December 2011

Diary of Filming - Day 5 ~ Luke Leadbetter

Today we decided to start a bit earlier. Arriving at Will's at 5, myself and Will immediately set about filming more shots, completing two pages of the storyboard. Jess turned up soon after and we continued to do stop motion shots until she left. The stop motion went well and majority without hiccups. After completing all the shots we could think of that we hadn't done for stop motion, Jess left, leaving myself and Will with another 3 hours to get as much as we could done. With Will's stomach full of margarita pizza, we were raring to go and really were surprised about how much we squeezed in, nearly filling the tape (We had 7 minutes left!) Overall it was a very successful nights filming, what we did achieve was to - what we think - a good standard.

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