We started our story boarding a few weeks back and although we're 5 days behind schedule, we're making good progress. We've been playing through the song and imagining exactly how we would want it to look. At the moment, it's still very rough so that we can get it finished quickly and start our filming as soon as possible. Once we have started our filming and are making progress, we can go back to our story board and make it more presentable for the blog. I've done majority of the drawing within the story board with 90% of ideas coming from the guys. At the moment, we only have about 1 minute left to story board which shouldn't take too long as there are no more lyrics from this point onwards which allows a little more room for creativity as we can be as abstract as we like without contradicting any lyrics.
Due to the fact that we've had to cut the song down, we've had to run the story board against our edited version so that we don't extend parts that have already been cut but this wasn't really a problem as we had the edited song on itunes to play against our story board. We've discussed chopping the video down by a further 8 seconds however, we decided against it because we didn't have the time and we'd already story boarded past the point that we wanted to cut which would affect all of the frames past that point.
The good thing about using stop-motion frames is that we can each do some stop-motion at home with free software and we won't have to do it all on set, so it'll take a lot less time since we won't be wasting filming time at our location which will be used to film all of the live-action shots. Of course any stop motion that requires a particular background will have to be done on set as the audience will get confused as to why our stop motion elements have been moved out of the room.
We've already taken mise-en-scene into consideration at this point as its important we set the room up correctly to match the meaning we are trying to portray. We are going to decorate our location with coloured lights and Daft Punk and other electronica band posters on the walls, this is to represent bright, cold technology and show intertextuality between Deadmau5 and Daft Punk. We're also including Luke's Daft Punk and Will's Deadmau5 figurines to further the intertextuality in the video.
Luke and Will have also been discussing what kind of effects we wanted to add into a our shots by toying with the transitions and effects on Final Cut Express and we've found some interesting effects that will further present our theme of drug-fueled fantasies and vivid dreams which include interesting colouring effects and wavy transitions, when put together, it can enhance the atmosphere of our video.
- Jess Hitch
Edited by Luke Leadbetter-
Here's a slideshare of the storyboard: